Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016


Morphology & Syntax

According to some experts of Morphology:

1.      Robert D. Van Valin, JR (E-Book - An Introduction of Syntax:2001:13)
Morphology is concerned with the structure of words, and morphological analysis is the process by which the linguists break complete words, down into their component parts.
2.      George Yule (The Study of Language Third Edition:2006:62)
Morphology is the study of forms, was originally used in biology, but, since the middle of the nineteenth century, has also  been used to describe the type of investigation that analyzes all those basic ‘elements’ used in language
3.      Drs. Seno H. Putra, M.Pd., P.Hd.( Introduction to General Linguistics: 2006:11)
Morphology is the science that we study about the formation of words, such as stem (root) becomes affixation, like suffix, prefix, confix, infix, and morphophonology: deletion of phoneme, substitution of phoneme, alternation, etc.
4.      Thomas E. Payne (E-book - Introduction Morphology and Syntax :Cambridge:8)
Morphology as the study of how meaningful units combine to shape words.

Morphology is simply the study of shapes. For example, zoologists may study the morphology of camels – how their bodies are shaped. Different species of camels have different body shapes. Some have one hump and others have two. Morphology in linguistics has to do with how words are shaped, and how the shapes of words may be systematically adjusted in order to accomplish communicative tasks. You can also think of morphology as the study of how meaningful units combine to shape words.

5.      Merriam-Webster Unabridged (E-book –What is Morphology?:1)

Mor-Phol-o-gy a study of the structure or form of something.

6.      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) (E-book –What is Morphology?:10)

Who coined it early in the nineteenth century in a biological context. Its etymology is Greek: morph- means ‘shape, form’, and morphology is the study of form or forms. In biology morphology refers to the study of the form and structure of organisms, and in geology it refers to the study of the configuration and evolution of land forms. In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the branch of linguistics that deals with words, their internal structure, and how they are formed.

According to some experts of Syntax:
1.      Drs. Seno H. Putra, M.Pd., P.Hd.( Introduction to General Linguistics: 2006:13)
Syntax is the science that we study about the arrangements or constructions of words or morphemes become a good sentence based on the rules or systems of the native speaker.
In other words, a good sentence in syntax is concerned with rules, systems, logic, surface, and deep structures (meaning).
2.      George Yule (The Study of Language Third Edition:2006:86)
The word ‘syntax come originally from Greek and literally means ‘a putting together’ or ‘arrangement’. There was an attempt to produce an accurate description of the sequence or ordering ‘arrangement’ of elements in the linear structure of the sentence.
3.      Robert D. Van Valin, JR (E-Book - An Introduction of Syntax:2001:1)
Syntax is a central component of human language.

4.      Thomas E. Payne (E-book - Introduction Morphology and Syntax :Cambridge:8)
Syntax, on the other hand, is how words combine to form sentences. One reason many linguists like to talk about morphology and syntax together is that sometimes a communicative job that is performed by word shapes (morphology) in one language is performed by combinations of words (syntax) in another.

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