Senin, 14 Januari 2019

Motivasi Hidup

Apakah Anda sedang merasa senang atau sedih hari ini? Apapun perasaan Anda saat ini, bersyukur dan nikmatilah kehidupan yang Tuhan telah berikan kepada Anda. Hidup adalah menanam dan menuai, yaitu apa yang Anda tanam, itulah yang akan Anda tuai atau dapatkan.
Oleh karenanya, jadilah pribadi yang selalu menebar kebaikan sehingga Anda akan menuai kebaikan pula. Begitupun sebaliknya. Tak dipungkiri, perjalanan hidup tak selalu indah seperti yang Anda inginkan. Ada saat di mana Anda dihampiri kesulitan, terjatuh, dan lelah untuk menjalani hidup ini.
Kalau sudah dalam kondisi tersebut, biasanya muncul pikiran-pikiran negatif yang membuat hidup Anda semakin kacau. Jangan sampai seperti itu ya. Untuk mengatasinya, coba Anda tarik nafas dalam-dalam, merenung sejenak, dan membaca kata-kata bijak soal kehidupan dari beberapa tokoh dunia untuk memompa kembali motivasi diri Anda.
1. Wujudkan Tujuan Hidup dengan Satu Langkah

Wujudkan Tujuan Hidup dengan Satu Langkah
“Perjalanan ribuan mil berawal dari satu langkah.” - Lao Tzu
Tips: Hidup Anda seperti perjalanan panjang seorang manusia. Hidup memiliki tujuan yang Anda inginkan. Mencapai tujuan tersebut harus diiringi dengan usaha atau kerja keras. Terkadang usaha yang dibutuhkan mengharuskan Anda mengorbankan beberapa hal. Sekilas tampak berat, tapi Anda akan terbiasa menjalaninya. Hanya satu langkah awal untuk bisa mencapai mimpi Anda: mulailah beranjak dari zona nyaman dan bekerjalah untuk hal yang Anda impikan.
2. Bergaul dengan Orang yang Punya Pemikiran Berbeda

“Apapun yang Anda lakukan dalam hidup, kelilingilah diri Anda dengan orang-orang cerdas yang akan beradu argumen dengan Anda.” - John Wooden
Tips: Anda akan merasa nyaman berada di antara orang-orang yang sepemikiran dengan Anda, memiliki tujuan yang sama, dan bonusnya bila berelasi dengan mereka yang memiliki pengalaman masa lalu yang sama dengan Anda. Hal ini akan membentuk pola pikir yang sekilas sama, sehingga Anda akan merasa nyaman dalam berkomunikasi.
Tapi perlu diingat, berteman dengan orang yang membuat Anda merasa nyaman tidak efektif untuk mengantar Anda untuk menggapai mimpi. Justru berada di lingkungan orang yang kerap beradu pendapat dengan Anda adalah suatu keadaan yang disarankan karena keadaan ini memaksa Anda untuk tidak hanya berpikir dari sudut pandang Anda sendiri, tapi lebih membuat Anda mengerti bahwa tidak semua orang sama dengan Anda.
3. Syukuri Hidup Ini, Jangan Sombong
“Bakat adalah pemberian Tuhan. Jadilah rendah hati. Terkenal adalah pemberian orang. Jadilah bersyukur. Kesombongan adalah pemberian dari diri sendiri. Berhati-hatilah.” - John Wooden
Tips: Manusia kerap terjebak pada satu hal, yakni kesombongan. Dari kesombongan ini, mungkin Anda menganggap diri Anda sempurna dengan bakat yang dimiliki. Selain itu, seringkali tidak bersyukur. Hidup bukan soal bagaimana menjadi yang terbaik, menjadi pemenang, menjadi yang paling memiliki segalanya. Hidup Anda tidak memberikan arti hanya dari materi, tetapi dari bagaimana Anda menjalani hidup dengan berbagi, dengan membantu sesama, dan bagaimana Anda bahagia.
4. Cintai Hidup dan Diri Anda
“Semakin Anda mencintai diri Anda, semakin Anda berbeda dari orang lain, yang akan menjadikan Anda unik.” - Walt Disney
Tips: Tidak sedikit orang yang mengidolakan orang lain dan berharap bahwa dirinya, bahkan hidupnya bisa seperti idolanya. Padahal Anda mungkin belum tahu banyak perjalanan hidup dari sang idola. Bisa saja idola tersebut memiliki pengalaman pahit yang tertutup rapat agar orang lain tidak mengetahuinya. Sebetulnya Anda tidak perlu terlalu mengidolakan orang hingga ingin menjadi sosoknya. Semua orang terlahir dengan kelebihan dan keunikannya tersendiri.
5. Jadikan Pengalaman Pahit sebagai Pelajaran Hidup
“Kita menjadi bijak bukan karena pengalaman di masa lalu, tetapi karena tanggung jawab akan masa depan.” - George Bernard Shaw
Tips: Anda pasti pernah mengalami peristiwa tidak menyenangkan yang membuat Anda kecewa, mengapa hidup harus mempunyai pengalaman buruk. Anda juga mungkin menganggap pengalaman buruk tersebut sebagai sebuah hal menyakitkan. Tapi orang hebat adalah mereka yang dapat bertahan, meski telah mengalami pengalaman-pengalaman buruk. Orang hebat juga menjadikan pengalaman hidup sebagai guru terbaik agar tidak jatuh ke lubang yang sama ke depan. Selain itu,masa depan terlalu berharga untuk mengalami masa-masa buruk serupa.

6. Hidup Itu Jangan Pernah Berhenti Belajar
“Satu-satunya kebijaksanaan adalah mengetahui bahwa Anda tidak tahu apa-apa.” – Socrates
Tips: Rasa ketidaktahuan menjaga Anda untuk terus belajar dan mencoba mengetahui. Dengan ketidaktahuan itu, Anda akan dapat menjaga sikap bahwa semua hal tidak bisa dihakimi berdasarkan pengalaman yang pernah Anda alami saja. Mungkin juga beberapa hal ditakdirkan untuk tidak Anda ketahui alasannya, mungkin karena memang bukan bagiannya atau hanya sekedar ditunda.
7. Hidup Harus Seimbang
“Melangkahlah dengan hati-hati dan taktis yang bagus, dan ingat bahwa hidup adalah aksi keseimbangan yang hebat.” - Dr. Seuss
Tips: Hidup layaknya mengendarai sepeda di atas tali. Jadi butuh kehati-hatian dan taktik agar terus seimbang. Hidup tidak melulu diliputi kebahagiaan, kadang dihinggapi rasa sedih karena tertimpa musibah atau permasalahan lain, seperti urusan keluarga, pekerjaan, persahabatan. Untuk dapat bertahan dalam situasi kehidupan seperti itu, Anda harus selalu berhati-hati dalam bertindak supaya Anda tak masuk dalam pusaran masalah orang lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan Anda.
8. Hidup Semakin Indah dengan Saling Berbagi

 “Berkat adalah mereka yang memberi tanpa mengingat dan mengambil tanpa melupakan.” - Elizabeth Bibesco
Tips: Apa yang Anda miliki sekarang, sesungguhnya hanyalah sebuah titipan dari Tuhan. Tidak ada yang mutlak sepenuhnya milik manusia. Maka sepatutnya, Anda berusaha untuk berbagi kebahagiaan pada mereka yang membutuhkan. Hidup akan lengkap ketika Anda selalu dihujani berkat dan berkat itu hadir dari aksi berbagi secara tulus hati.
9. Ikhlas untuk Hidup Lebih Bahagia
“Bekerjalah seperti Anda tak punya uang. Mencintailah seolah Anda tidak pernah disakiti. Menarilah seolah tidak ada orang melihat Anda.” - Sarchel Paige
Tips: Penuhilah hidup Anda dengan berkat, dan mendapatkan berkat pun tak hanya dari berbagi namun juga dari bekerja dan mendedikasikan hidup untuk mengejar apa yang Anda impikan tanpa mengorbankan orang lain. Memberikan bagian dari diri Anda yang paling baik akan memberikan berkat kembali pada hidup Anda. Anda tidak perlu takut bahwa apa yang Anda punya akan berkurang ketika Anda berbagi atau melepasnya menjadi milik orang lain karena Tuhan akan memberi ganti hingga berkali-kali lipat.
10. Anda yang Menentukan Kebahagiaan Hidup
“Orang-orang tidak menyadari apakah ini musim dingin atau musim panas ketika mereka sedang bahagia.” - Anton Chekhov
Tips: Waktu bukan hal mutlak, waktu itu relatif. Menunjukkan bagaimana perasaan Anda saat itu. Perasaan bahagia akan membuat Anda fokus pada kebahagiaan Anda, bukan kepada masa-masa di sekitar Anda sekalipun masa itu adalah masa-masa sulit. Jadi yang membuat hidup Anda menjadi berarti dengan kebahagiaan tidak ditentukan dari waktunya, tapi ditentukan dari diri Anda sendiri.
Jalani Hidup Apa Adanya
Menjalani hidup itu apa adanya saja, enggak perlu neko-neko. Tidak perlu menjadi orang lain, atau ingin kehidupan orang lain. Tidak butuh banyak uang untuk hidup bahagia. Berlimpah materi tidak akan menjamin hidup Anda tanpa masalah. Kunci kebahagiaan hidup adalah sabar, ikhlas, dan selalu bersyukur.


Selasa, 05 September 2017

Descibe about Place

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to change their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Discourse Analysis

Discourse Analysis and Narrative 

Narrative has been one of the major themes in humanistic and social scientific thought since the mid-twentieth century. The essence of humanness, long characterized as the tendency to make sense of the world through rationality, has come increasingly to be described as the tendency to tell stories, to make sense of the world through narrative. In linguistics, narrative was one of the first discourse genres to be analyzed, and it has continued to be among the most intensively studied of the things people do with talk.
I begin with a brief description of structuralist narratology, the most immediate context for discourse analysts’ work on narrative. I then turn to some of the earliest and most influential American work on narrative in linguistics, that of Labov and Waletzky (1967; Labov 1972: 354–96). Subsequent sections cover other important work on the linguistic structure of narrative and on its cognitive, cultural, social, and psychological functions, on the development of narrative skills and styles in children, and on variation in narrative. I then touch on some work on narrative in other disciplines which bears on and often draws on linguistic discourse analysts’ work: work on “narrative knowing” and narrative rhetoric, on history as story, on the “narrative study of lives” as a research method in education, psychology, and sociology, and on poststructuralist literary narratology. The final section discusses the current state of narrative study in discourse analysis and sketches some directions in which new work is going.

Two related but somewhat different approaches to the structure of narrative became known in the West beginning in the mid-1950s. One was that of the Russian Vladimir Propp, whose Morphology of the Folktale (1968) was published in Russian in 1928 but first translated into English in 1958. Although Propp borrowed the term “morphology." 
 Propp’s work might more accurately be called the syntax of the folktale, since its fundamental claim is that all folktales have the same syntagmatic deep structure, the same sequence of “functions” or meaningful actions by characters. Once characters and their initial situation are introduced. While Propp’s approach to characterizing the universal features of folklore is like that of formal syntax, Claude Lévi-Strauss’s (1955, 1964, 1966) is more similar to formal semantics. Lévi-Strauss’s interest was in describing the abstract elements of meaning that are expressed in myth, semantic contrasts such as male/female and raw/cooked. His claim is that traditional narrative around the world, though superficially varied, all deals with a limited number of basic themes. A number of French philosophers and literary theorists, writing in the late 1960s, adapted Propp’s and Lévi-Strauss’s ideas or similar ones to the analysis of literary narrative. The best known of these is probably Roland Barthes, whose “Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives” was published (in French) in 1966. Others are A. J. Greimas (1966), Tzvetan Todorov (1967), and Gérard Genette (1966). (See Culler 1975: ch. 9 for an overview of structuralist theory about literary narrative.) 
These structuralist approaches to myth and literature were not all the same, but they all shared two assumptions. One was that there are abstract levels on which structures and meanings that seem different superficially are really the same. The other was that narrative can be separated from the events it is about. This assumption is discussed most explicitly in the work of French linguist Émile Benveniste (1966), who distinguished between histoire and discours, or “story the events – and “discourse”– the presentation of the events in a narrative. Both these ideas were current in the American linguistics and literary theory of the 1960s (the former most obviously in Transformational/Generative Grammar), and, as Hopper (1997) points out, both were taken into the first American work on narrative discourse. 

Error Analisis

Types of Errors Found in the Proposal
Entitled The effect of using contextual redefinition toward students’ vocabulary mastery in descriptive text at the eight  grade of SMP Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru (By. Yuni "Student FKIP UIR"
1.      Verb Tense
Error Identification
Error Correction
the researcher interest in conducting...
the researcher is interested in conducting
students can be easier to conveyed the social function
students can be easier to convey  the social function
the researcher wants to tries this strategy...
the researcher wants to try this strategy...
they are able comprehend meaning
they are able to comprehend meaning
Chapter Two
it meants that he or...
it means that he or...
Petzar in Fitriyani (2014) stated that Contextual redefinition is
Petzar in Fitriyani (2014) state that contextual redefinition is
There are some previous researches that have done by some researcher....
There are some previous researches that have been done by some researchers...
The students’ vocabulary mastery improved after each action cycle
The students’ vocabulary mastery is improved after each action cycle
Chapter Three
...before researcher teach by using contextual redefinition strategy.
...before researcher taught by using contextual redefinition strategy.
Second, the researcher  give treatment to the...
Second, the researcher gave treatment to the...
The consisted of 20 test items
The test consists of 20 items
The last step was given post-test after treatment. Post-test give to both classes. The test to know about the result of treatment. The researcher given a post-test to the students.
The last step was giving post-test. Post-test was given to both classes to know about the result of the treatment. The researcher gave the post-test to the students.
The test intended to measure students’ vocabulary mastery of descriptive text after...
The test was intended to measure students’ vocabulary mastery on descriptive text after...
The data was analyze to know the result of the test
The data was analysed to know the result of the test
2.      Word Order
Error Identification
Error Correction
At the grade VIII second semester of junior high school Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru,
At the second semester of grade VIII junior high school Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru,
process teaching learning is located only 2 x 40 to first meeting,
teaching learning process is only alocated 2 x 40 at the first meeting,

Chapter Two
As Cameron said that to know a word if they can recognize its meaning when they see it (Cameron, 2001: 75).
Cameron states that they can recognize its meaning when they see the words (Cameron, 2001: 75).
...before they can be said to have learned them.
...before they could have learned it.
According to Schmitt (1997:40) gives the definition of vocabulary as follows.
Schmitt (1997:40) defiines vocabulary as follows.
In listening skill, by having many vocabulary they can hear and understand all the words in oral communication easily
In listening skill, the students can hear and understand all the words by having many vocabularies.
The term receptive vocabulary is used to refer to listening and reading vocabularies.
Receptive vocabulary is a term used to refer to listening and reading vocabularies.
Contextual redefinition at is apply in this research is suitable approach in English language teaching
Contextual redefinition is a suitable approach applied in English language teaching

Chapter Three
This research had been done conducted at class...
This research had been conducted at class...
To determine the normal and homogeneous data is used normality and homogeneity test.
it used normality and homogeneity test to determine whether or not the data were normal and homogeneous.
3.      Subject/Verb Agreement
Error Identification
Error Correction
Vocabulary is one of the language components that have to be mastered
Vocabulary is one of the language components that has to be mastered
....descriptive  text, when the students has vocabulary mastery in descriptive text, they are able comprehend meaning
....descriptive  tex, when the students have vocabulary mastery in descriptive text, they are able comprehend meaning
the researcher identify about...
the researcher identifies about.
the researcher interest in conducting....
the researcher is interested in conducting.....
The ways in learning vocabulary through contextual redefinition strategy consists of
The ways in learning vocabulary through contextual redefinition strategy consist of
Chapter Two
Treatment only give for experimental class,
Treatment is only given to experimental class,
Likewise Ahmad in Bangun (2013) explain that descriptive text is....
Likewise Ahmad in Bangun (2013) explains that descriptive text is...
Chapter Three
T-test is used when the data is normal and homogeneous.
T-test is used when the data are normal and homogeneous.
The data then was calculate the get the average of the score.
The data were then calculated to get the average of the score.
4.      Pronouns
Error Identification
Error Correction
Chapter One
They also have to be able find a social function  and they have to be able find the lexical features the text
The students also have to be able to find a social function  and the lexical features the text
Chapter Two
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that vocabulary is
Based on the definitions, they can be concluded that vocabulary is
before they can be said to have learned them.
...before they could have learned it.
Chapter Three
In other to find out a significance beetwen treatment class and control class by using contextual redefinition in vocabulary mastery of descriptive text, the researcher statistically analyzed it by using T-test
In order to find out a significance between treatment class and controll class, the researcher analyzed them statistically by using T-test
5.      Spelling
Error Identification
Error Correction
There are various teaching strategy in vocabulary.
There are various teaching strategies in vocabulary.
In this research, the reseacher focuses on descriptive text.
In this research, the researcher focuses on descriptive text.
...and can be used corectly in a sentence.
...and can be used correctly in a sentence.
helps students learn the importance of contex clues in...
helps students learn the importance of context clues in...
....showing students the importance of context in as certaining meaning
...showing students the importance of context in as certain meaning
The purpose of descrptive text is to make our readers...
The purpose of descriptive text is to make our readers....
Wether we are describing a person, a place, or a thing,...
Whether we are describing a person, a place, or a thing,...
....which list the charateristics of something
....which list the characteristics of something
to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event to
to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or even to
Chapter Three
Instrumen is tool used to collect the data....
Instrument is tool used to collect the data....
In other to find out a significance beetwen treatment class and...
In order to find out a significance between treatment class and...

6.      Capitalization/Punctuation
Error Identification
Error Correction
....descriptive  text, when the students has vocabulary mastery in descriptive text, they are able comprehend meaning
....descriptive  text. When the students has vocabulary mastery in descriptive text, they are able comprehend meaning
descriptive text, The ways in learning vocabulary through
descriptive text, the ways in learning vocabulary through
The purpose of the research is: to identify...
The purpose of the research is to identify...
Term use in this research as follow
Term use in this research as follows
Chapter Two
...language skills namely listening, reading, writing and speaking.
...language skills namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
as Taylor in fitriani (1990) argued...
as Taylor in Fitriani (1990) argued...
...there are pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
...there are pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
Receptive Vocabulary It is the words that...
Receptive vocabulary is the words that...
As mentions before, Contextual redefinition at...
As mentions before, contextual redefinition at...
Chapter Three
The test was constructed in form Multiple choices.
The test was constructed in form multiple choices.
...the seventh grade of SMP Tri Bhakti pekanbaru.
...the seventh grade of SMP Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru.
7.      Preposition
Error Identification
Error Correction
process teaching learning is located only 2 x 40 to first meeting,
teaching learning process is only alocated 2 x 40 at the first meeting,
descriptive text, The ways in learning vocabulary through...
descriptive text, The ways of learning vocabulary through....
The results found of the study revealed that...
The results found on the study revealed that...
Treatment only give for experimental class,
Treatment is only given to experimental class,
Chapter Three measure students’ vocabulary mastery of descriptive text after... measure students’ vocabulary mastery on descriptive text after...
8.      Article
Error Identification
Error Correction
process teaching learning is located only 2 x 40 to first meeting,
teaching learning process is only alocated 2 x 40 at the first meeting,
Chapter Two
... to express the wider range of meanings...
... to express a wider range of meanings...
As a result, the the students’ improvement...
As a result, the students’ improvement...
Chapter Three
Instrumen is tool used to collect the data from...
Instrument is a tool used to collect the data from...
The test was constructed in form Multiple choices
The test was constructed in form of multiple choices