Jumat, 08 April 2016


A Morpheme is a unit of sound. Just as an allophones is a variation of  a single phonem, an Allomorphs is a variety of single morpheme.
An Allomorphs is an alternate pronunciation of a phonological from a morpheme in a particular linguistic environment.  
Eq. cat(s) / kaets/, like(s) / laiks/ 

The term "allomorphs" refers to a variant of a morpheme. Such variance occurs due to the phonological conditioning of the surrounding sounds. 
The phonological basis of conditioning to procedure these variantslies in the voiced / voiceless feature of the phoneme before the morpheme. This voiceless sounds will condition the morpheme to procedure voiceless allomorphs (t' - s, or k' - t), whilst voiced sounds condition the morpheme to produce the voiced allomorph (g' - z, or l'-d).

Baskaran, M Loga, 61-62:2005. A linguistic primer for malaysians.Malaya University Press

Just as we noted that there were "allophones" of a particular phoneme, so we can recognize the existence of allomorphs of a particular morpheme. That is, when we find a group of different morphs, all versions of one morpheme, we can use the prefix 'allo-' (= one of a closely related set) and describe them as allomorphs of that morpheme.

 Yule, George.67.2006.The study of language "3 ndn".Cambridge University Press.

Zero Allomorph
Zero Allomorph is the term given to the unit involved when a morpheme changes status form one type of morpheme to another without any addition or subtraction of any of its parts. Zero allomorph is spoken of, therefore, in a situation where there is no overt change in the item. It is indicated by the sign (O). 
Eq. Sheep (singular) - sheep (plural)

Baskaran, M Loga, 61-62:2005. A linguistic primer for malaysians.Malaya University Press


 A morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has its own meaning. All morphemes bear a meaning. Roll your mouse over the words below to see how many morphemes there are.
Example  :
- Read (Read)                                           - Redo (Re+do)                            - Culture (Culture)
- Unexpectedly (Un+expect+ed+ly)        - Storehouse (Store+house)          - Footballer (Foot+ball+er)

Morpheme is "a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function". Units of grammatical function include forms used to indicate past tense or plural. (Yule,George.63:2006.The Study Of Language-Third Edn.Cambridge University Press.)

Free Morpheme and Bound Morpheme
Free Morpheme -> Morphemes that can stand by themselves as single words.
Eq. Open, Tour, Book, etc.
Bound Morphem -> Which are those forms that cannot normally stand alone and are typically attached to another form, exemplified as re-, -ist, -ed, -s.
Eq.                Undressed                                                                   Carelessness         
             Un-         dress         -ed                                         Care            -less            -ness              
           prefix        stem       suffix                                        stem           suffix          suffix
          (bound)     (free)     (bound)                                      (free)         (bound)       (bound)

(Yule,George.63:2006.The Study Of Language-Third Edn.Cambridge University Press.)
Free Morpheme and Bound Morpheme

Morphemes that can stand alone to function as words are called free morphemes. They comprise simple words (i.e. words made up of one free morpheme) and compound words (i.e. words made up of two free morphemes).
Simple words: the, run, on, well
Compound words: keyboard, greenhouse, bloodshed, smartphone

Morphemes that can only be attached to another part of a word (cannot stand alone) are called bound morphemes.
pre-, dis-, in-, un-, -ful, -able, -ment, -ly, -ise
pretest, discontent, intolerable, receive

Complex words are words that are made up of both free morpheme(s) and bound morpheme(s), or two or more bound morphemes.
Roll your mouse over the words below to see how many morphemes are there and whether they are free morphemes or bound morphemes.

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