Jumat, 06 Mei 2016


SUMMARY OF AFFIXATIONUnderstanding Affix is ​​a word used to form different words by adding the prefix inserts such as (early), infix (middle) and the suffix (ending), so as to create a new meaning of the word. 
The kinds affix:1. Prefix (early) are inserts were added before the word. Type prefix based on the meaning is divided into three, namely:· Prefix meaning "not" is often used to give a verb, object or nature of a negative meaning, for example:
Un used many different words, such as unfriendly, Unable, unemployed and untidy.
Im used before a word that begins with the letter "m" or "p", such as impolite and impatient.
Il digunaan before a word that begins with the letter "l", like gibberish.
Ir is only used before a word beginning with the letter "r", like Irresponsible.
Dis used before adjectives like, dishonest and a bit of a verb like, dislike and disagree.
In use before the number of words like, invisible.· Prefix verb prefix that has two meanings, has a negative meaning but could also mean the opposite of an action or reverse. Like, "I locked the door when I left, but I lost the key, so I could not unlock it when I got back".· Prefix with a verb with a specific meaning, such as re-, over- and mis-. 

2. Infix (center) inserts are written in the middle of the word so mmbentuk new meaning of the word, such as:· Picoline be pipecoline· Lutidine be lupetidine 
3. Suffix (final) is added in parenthesis at the end of the word. Suffix divided into two, namely:· Noun Suffixes, divided into four kinds, namely:- Verb + suffix, such as:a. Improve got -ment inserts, into improvementb. Discuss gets ion insertion, into discussionc. Organize got -ation inserts, into organizationd. Jog gets inserts -ing, be jogging- Adjective + suffix, such as:a. Weak got -ness inserts, into weaknessb. Similar gets -ity inserts, into similarity- Pronunciation, such as:a. Educate (verb) to education (Noun)b. Similar (Adjective) into similarity (Noun)- -er / -or And -ist, such as:a. Dance gets inserts -er, become a dancerb. Act got -or inserts, becomes actorc. Art gets -ist inserts, becomes artist· Adjective Suffixes divided into three types, namely:- Noun or verb + suffixa. Danger gets inserts -ous, be dangerousb. Music gets inserts -al, the musicalc. Cloud got inserts -y, becoming cloudyd. Create got -ive inserts, be creative- -able, Such as:a. Comfort gets inserts -able, be comfortableb. Suit gets inserts -able, be suitable- -ful And -less, such as:a. Care received -ful inserts, be carefulb. Job got -less inserts, became jobless

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